The plugin interface

The plugin interface consists of two modules, the

IMod:class interface specification
ModWidget:widget base class

Please have a look at specific plugin implementations for examples.


Module provides the base class for plugin widgets.

It contains a checkbox widget and can be used directly in a mod plugin.

class colorview2d.modwidget.ModWidget

Base class for the plugin widgets that can be provided to colorview2d.

The widget is a descendant of wx.BoxSizer. Childs should call init and update upon overwrite.

  • mod – The mod class this widget is assigned to
  • panel – The panel this widget lives on
  • title – The title of the mod.
  • chk – A handle for the checkbox widget.

Update the mod widget to comply with the state of the mod. Should update all widgets contained in the ModWidget descendant.


Handler for the event that is triggered by activating/deactivating the checkbox.

It is not required to overwrite this function in a custom plugin implementation.